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It's true, I'm make up mad and when I'm not writing my weekly column in Scotland's best read Sunday newspaper The Sunday Mail or my Beauty Spot page at 5pm you can find me with brush in hand working on a blushing bride. www.craigalexanderwilson.co.uk and www.createthedream.co.uk www.5pm.co.uk

Friday 12 March 2010

Cover and Care from Clinique

Although not launching until the 1st of April 2010, I've been lucky enough to try the NEW Anti-Blemish Solutions Liquid Make-Up from Clinique. Problem Skin never seems to get the attention it deserves from the big cosmetics companies. Until now that is. We have been so hung up on anti-ageing and pandering to the precious product people within the fashion brands with our aspirations of looking like screen queens that we've missed out on some basic skin issues. Is it seen as unglamorous or even taboo to create cosmetics that actually care for our skin, spots and all? I'm not talking about cleanser, masks or moisturisers but actual make-up items. Face facts. A good base is a must. Now to clear something up before we start. I'm not talking about oil control and shine control foundations. I'm talking about those products that are aimed to cover, treat and prevent problem skin.

Ok, everyone and their auntie can come up with a concealer. Witch Hazel this, tea tree that. But hey! If your face is full of the little beasts a quick swipe with a tinted stick isn't going to make them vanish. What we need is a foundation that gives cover as well as cares. Thankfully Clinique have come to the rescue and developed the 'first premium liquid make-up to actively treat blemishes'. I've tried some other lesser known brands and the versions the doctors prescribe and although they are ok and I mean just ok, the packaging needs to be addressed too. Women shouldn’t feel excluded just because they have skin complaints. We all want to be able to have something that looks good as well as works well on our dressing tables. White plastic half litre tubs just don’t do it. Does acne have to mean that femininity is erased?
I'm pleased to report that after road testing this new foundation it really does tick all the boxes. Good cover, comfortable to wear and didn’t irritate or aggravate red and blemished skin. As far as my guinea pig and I can gather, along with her current skincare range, it seems to be helping to reduce the spots on her skin too.
Thank You Clinique
Clinique Anti-Blemish Solutions Liquid Make Up. £20.00. Launching 1st April 2010