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It's true, I'm make up mad and when I'm not writing my weekly column in Scotland's best read Sunday newspaper The Sunday Mail or my Beauty Spot page at 5pm you can find me with brush in hand working on a blushing bride. www.craigalexanderwilson.co.uk and www.createthedream.co.uk www.5pm.co.uk

Friday 7 January 2011

Loving Lauder

"Out with the old and in with the new" as they say and that really was the case as I dug deep and cleaned out my vanity unit. I know 'vanity unit' get me. Always think it sounds so much better than cupboard. Who really wants to store their favourite lotions and potions in a 'cupboard'. Anyway enough of that ramble. After tossing out half jars of day creams, and sorting through my scrubs, I sat back admired the streamlined and sparklingly clean collection. One problem, No Moisturiser. Oh No!!!!
Luckily help was at hand as I dived into my secret stash (away from prying eyes)being the other half and remembered that pre Christmas I was sent the latest addition to Estee Lauder's already extensive skincare.

The NEW Daywear Advanced is one of those creams that the minute you open the jar, you know you are going to love it. Freshly fragranced with the signature cucmber scent this glides like silk on the skin  and is bursting with a super Anti-oxidants complex of C, E and Coenzyme Q10. Aimed at reducing the signs of premature ageing this formula is the 1st step in fighting time. If you are moving towards an anti-ageing product and moving away from our existing day cream then this is the one.

There are two versions of this to chose from too depending on your skin type.

Normal/Combination Skin Creme  - silky and lightweight this has the right balance of skin quenching moisture and richness.

Dry Skin Creme - buttery rich this comforts and soothes and is a perfect switch when winter months come or you are off to a drier climate.


£35.00, launched on 3rd Jan.


  1. Whoop Whoop Craig....looking for a new mosituriser as I was just saying to Conor today how dry my skin has got :(...and as I am fast approching the big 30 I am thinking I am now ready for this transition!....now you know first hand what my skin type is like should I go for normal or dry????? ems xxxxxxxxx will email you some pics you havent seen of your good self from the wedding :) xx

  2. Hey You, loved the pics. Really loved them. I' would say go for the Normal/Combo hon x
